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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/18/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> The tendency of a lot of NFL players to “take a knee” while US National Anthem is being played has become a source of great controversy, especially after President Trump’s remarks on the subject. World News Bureau has compiled a short but provocative list of responses in a recent polling of 585 NFL players to the question “What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?” 

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2…………> Money Grabbers: US House Tax Cutters

House Republicans have passed a controversial overhaul of the US tax code that slashes corporate rates from 35% to 20%, cuts some very popular income tax deductions that at the end should provide a tax cut to an average US family of about $1250.

Needless to say, many Senate Establishment Republicans and their fellow Unified Party USA Democrats are up in arms, claiming that the tax cuts are cuddling fat cats, raising the deficit and the already bulging National debt.

“A simple, fair, and competitive tax code will be rocket fuel for our economy, and it’s within our reach. Now is the time to deliver,” a day that Representative Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan called “historic”.

If the boundless enthusiasm of Paul Ryan does not send you in a search of deep underground shelter, shivering in fear for your life, there is still time to dig one, because this is the same man who wanted to raise the tax on the $817 Social Security check of his own 86 year old grandmother by 40%, and then send her to look for better returns on her “free market” accounts to pay for her medical bills.

In addition, Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell voted for years in tow with Nancy Schumer and Richard Pelosi to raise the caps on government borrowing of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama to a spectacular 20 trillion dollars, adding debt of 9.1 trillion equivalent to 4 WW2 wars in current dollars, or nocturnal $32,000 for each American human being for total of $65,000 per citizen. Three “Hip,Hip Hoorays” for the D.C. swamp, “Viva Obama”, “Viva Unified Party USA”, “Viva Fake News”!!!!!!!

P.S. You don’t have to blame “Russian collusion” for the debt explosion outrage, it is all in the Federal Register, all made here in the “Good Ol’ USA”.

3…………> In “Big Pizzeria In The Sky”: La Cosa Nostra Capo

Salvatore ‘Toto’ Riina, aged 87, Sicilian Mafia’s most powerful boss of the 20th century who was convicted for ordering dozens of murders, died in the prison ward of a hospital in Parma, the northern Italian city where he had been serving 26 life sentences for homicides committed between 1969 and 1992.

Lovingly referred to as ‘the Beast’ by his “la gumbas” soldiers, Riina began his violent criminal career on the streets of Corleone after World War II and became the Sicilian Mafia’s boss of bosses when it reached its 20th-century zenith.

4…………> The Cost Of Trump Camelot: Barbarians At The Gate

The relentless White House attacks by Special Cousel Mueller are forcing President Donald Trump to begin handling his own legal bills related to the Russian investigation that will no longer use political donations to his re-election campaign or the Republican Party to cover the costs, according to his defence lawyer John Dowd who said  following payments by the Republican National Committee (RNC), the President began paying the bills and now wants to make the party “even”.

5………..> Don’t Throw Stones From A Glass House: Trump Hater

Texan Karen Fonseca has alleged that her arrest on an outstanding warrant was in retaliation for the “F**K TRUMP AND F**K YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM” sticker, after a local sheriff threatened disorderly conduct charges against her.

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