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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/13/2017: Morning Edition

1………….> Old Bullyboys Back Again: Mr.Xi In Nam

Vietnam rolls the red carpet for China’s leader Mr. Xi: All sins forgiven.

2…………> Sewerwood aka Hollywood: March Against It

Hundreds of people marched in the hub of US moral decay Hollywood in support of victims of sexual assault and harassment, led by the #MeToo social media campaign reacting to a deluge of allegations that shook our country, set off by the exploits of “Sewerwood” most favored loverboy.
The marchers walked along the “Walk of Shame” to CNN’s headquarters, raising a very interesting question: Did the “Fake News Kings” attempted to assault someone by putting a middle finger over their anatomy too?

3………….> Friendship At 1st Sight: 2D’s

President Donald Trump said he has a “great relationship” with his outspoken Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte during a highly anticipated meeting in Manila.
The previous US administration politically correct lapdogs had spoken out against Mr Duterte’s execution of almost 4,000 drug addicts and dealers, ignoring the fact that their own boss and our beloved 1st Muslim President Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama threw Chicago’s citizens into the crossfire of opioid war without an end to the tune of 3800 deaths, and then protected the drug dealers as urban revolutionaries.
Hence US “Fake News” media crows have been conveniently enraged by “human rights violations” of Duterte while turning a blind eye on Obama’s own string of drug crimes that allowed his open border hoodlum Mexican cartels friends to operate with impunity across our country, killing thousands and destroying the lives of millions.

4…………> Oops’ A Father Of Four: Ronaldo

“Alana Martina has just been born! Both Geo and Alana are doing great. We are all very happy,” the beaming 32-year-old Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo announced, posting a photo of himself, Rodriguez, his seven-year-old son Cristiano Junior and the new arrival, as he had become a father for the fourth time after girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez gave birth to a baby girl, Alana Martina.–sow.html

5…………> Data H Back-Up: Houses Next

In a search of more reliable and environmentally efficient ways to support large computer networks, the good engineers of Daimler and HPE have initiated a project to power green data centers with hydrogen in internet server farms. Use of “micro-grids” inside data centers will utilize solar and wind power providing the bulk of the energy, but fuel cells would fill in the gap when electricity demand is too high or an outage leaves no other choice, providing there is continuous supply of hydrogen.

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