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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/09/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Ready For War:PLA

In continuation of previous weeks military drills close to North Korea’s borders, PLA Navy now conducted air defense missile assessment in East China Sea. The implicit message is that should a war between US and Comrade Un breaks out, by virtue of mutual defense pacts dating back to the 1953 war, China will defend North Korea should US commences military operations against Pyongyang.


2…………> Another CNN Lie: Wikileaks Mail
A report by CNN that President Trump and his eldest son had received a “huge”  678 megabytes archive of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee 10 days before the hacked data was made public turned out to be a lie, forcing CNN  to correct the news release.  In fact, the email was sent to Trump and his son on Sept. 14, 2016, the day after WikiLeaks had released the documents publicly on its website and Twitter account.

“We checked our records. Nobody ever responded. It was disregarded,” Trump’s Organization attorney Garten said.–politics.html

3…………> WTO: Death By Trumpization
Is the World Trade Organization, the poster child of the New World Disorder about to be send to the junkyard of history by President Trump?
His administration has refused to sign any memorandum of agreements when “world’s economy” ministers from 164 member nations meet in Buenos Aires this weekend to reinforce it as the “angel saviour” of global commerce that has been used by our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama to denigrate and betray the sovereignty of United States.

President Trump has not been shy about his perception of the so called international trade agreements as tools of foreign control over our economy and well being.

4…………> Hanky-Panky Politicians Caught: NJ 
A Philadelphia-area political consultant Donald Jones, 62, of Willingboro, New Jersey pleaded guilty to making a false statement to FBI agents in connection with a campaign finance investigation, and was charged with this crime and related offenses in an indictment against him and co-defendant Kenneth Smukler returned by a federal grand jury sitting in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Oct. 24. 

As described in the plea memorandum, the scheme entailed Moore’s agreement to withdraw from the race in exchange for $90,000 in payments from his opponent’s campaign.

5…………> Health Care Fraud: Houston
The owner of a Home Health Agency Ebong Tilong, 53, of Sugarland, Texas was sentenced in absentia to 80 years in prison for filing fraudulent tax returns, pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud, three counts of healthcare fraud, one count of conspiracy to pay and receive healthcare kickbacks, three counts of payment and receipt of healthcare kickbacks, and one count of conspiracy to launder monetary instruments.

 Tilong and others conspired to defraud Medicare by submitting over $10 million in false and fraudulent claims for home health services to Medicare through Fiango Home Healthcare Inc. (Fiango), owned by Tilong and his wife, Marie Neba, 53, also of Sugarland, Texas. 

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