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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/08/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> “Fake Tax Returns”: Louisiana

According to an grand jury indictment, Aaron Daniels, a former resident of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana conspired with others to defraud the United States by filing tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that sought fraudulent refunds. Daniels allegedly obtained the IDs of inmates he was incarcerated with in the East Carroll Detention Center and provided this information to his co-conspirators in exchange for a fee so they could file fraudulent tax returns. Daniels is also charged with assisting in the preparation and presentation of seven false tax returns, including his own personal returns, which allegedly included false dependents and education credits, and sought inflated refunds. If convicted, Daniels faces a statutory maximum sentence of five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and three years for each of the seven false return charges. He also faces a period of supervised release, restitution and monetary penalties.

2…………> Illegals Rounded Up: ICE Detroit

“Operations like this one demonstrate ICE’s continued focus on the arrest of dangerous criminal aliens as well as those who enter the United States illegally. I applaud the dedicated men and women of ICE who work tirelessly to keep our communities safe,” field office director for ERO in Detroit Rebecca Adducci reported about a Mexican national in the country illegally, who has a prior conviction for assault on a law officer, and being one of 27 foreign nationals taken into custody during a four-day operation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) this week in western Michigan, targeting at-large criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants and other immigration violators.

3…………> Trump’s Broom: ICE Kentucky

“This operation focused on targeting immigration fugitives and criminal aliens in three Kentucky counties, but we routinely conduct operations daily.By removing criminal aliens from the streets, our ICE officers help improve public safety in these communities,” said Ricardo Wong, field office director of ERO Chicago, 

as 22 criminal aliens and immigration violators throughout northern Kentucky were arrested during during a two-day enforcement action in Covington (9), Erlanger (1), Florence (6), Newport (4) and Walton (2). Of those arrested, 20 are men; two are women.
Aliens arrested during this operation are from Guatemala (16) Mexico (5) and Zimbabwe (1).


4…………> Last WW2 Survivor: Remember The Heroes

The 76ht anniversary of Pearl Harbor is celebrated by last living witness of Japanese surrender in WW2.

5…………> Another Trump Victory: DACA 

A deeply divided Supreme Court  lifted orders that required Trump administration to turn over more records explaining the decision to terminate the Obama-era program that offers quasi-legal status and work permits to so-called Dreamers, handing out yet another victory to President Trump’s drive to remove illegal aliens from the US.

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