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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/06/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Steinle Murderer Arrested By ICE: Felony Charges

A federal grand jury indicted Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, a citizen of Mexico aged 47, for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition in violation of in violation of 18 U.S.C., and for being an illegally present alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(5).

If convicted of either violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), Garcia-Zarate faces a maximum statutory penalty of 10 years in prison.



2………..> Market Report 12/06/2017, sell stop 24,000, CG(-60), 11/22/16

Short position closed at 23560, for a loss of 60 DIA points, with a new position long 23560, sell stop 24000 for a gain of 440 DIA points.

The market penetrated the 23450 support level and collapsed down to 23358 level, an indication that “Yellen’s bulls” are running away from the market in expectation of tighter credit and less support by the new Fed chief Powell. Then the news that US House has passed a tax bill reignited the bullish sentiment and led to 300 points upside breakout after Sen. McCain indicated support for the new tax bill that would increase National debt by 1.5 trillion dollars.

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold, a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were down 40 after recovered from a nearly 100 points loss to 24141, DJ futures at +54.

Gold down to 1265.2 due to dollar raise and USD/CHF up to 0.9900 due to Trump’s tax cut victory. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 24,000The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident weeks ago when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.



3…………> Varicose Veins: What To Do
Swelling of the feet and ankles is an early sign that the valves in our veins keeping the blood flowing, and severe varicose veins can be very painful.
Treatments for varicose veins depend on the severity of symptoms, aesthetics and the risk of complications. Treatment may include compression stockings, lifestyle changes or a range of surgical options.

Varicose veins is a term commonly used to describe visible leg veins, but true varicose veins are dilated and very prominent.

4…………> Just A Simple Man: Johnny Hallyday

“He brought a part of America into our national pantheon,” Islamic Sheikdom of France President Emmanuel Macron said about the passing of Johnny Hallyday, country’s biggest rock star for more than half a century and an icon who packed sports stadiums and all but lit up the Eiffel Tower with his pumping pelvis and high-voltage tunes. He was 74.

“I’m not a star. I’m just a simple man,” Johnny said in a 2006 interview on France 3.

5…………> New Celestial Home: Constellation Leo
A potential new celestial home for homo sapient has been found in a K2-18b planet and its neighbour, newly discovered K2-18c that is capable of having water oceans and hence being a possible haven for hosting alien life, both orbiting the red-dwarf star k2-18 located 111 light years away in the constellation Leo.

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