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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/06/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Pseudo Currencies: A Galactic Scam
Despite years of relentless money printing by Ben Bernanke and his infamous successor Janet Yellen, accompanied by exponentially exploding US and international debt and pointed attacks on the precious metals markets, the suspicious public has fallen into the trap of the so called pseudo-currencies that 
have already proven to be good old-fashioned scams. A division of SEC filed charges against PlexCoin that reportedly raised $15 million from thousands of investors by promising a 1,354 percent return in 29 days or less, and its creator Dominic Lacroix, a serial violator of SEC laws, describing him as a “recidivist securities law violator in Canada,”

How long will this outrage continue? Trump’s SEC is keenly aware of the ICO fever that’s sweeping the globe and has already prompted regulators in China and South Korea to ban them outright, and Switzerland and Singapore to put them into surveillance.


2…………>Train Crash: Smoking Pot?
Initial reports indicated that 50 people had been injured in a train incident near the city of Düsseldorf, Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, but that number was later revised down to nine seriously hurt, 41 passengers wounded and the other 105 on the train were able to walk away untouched.
Federal Railway Accident Investigation Board said that “the passenger train should not have been allowed to drive on this particular track,” but did not elaborate on what led to the mistake.

Is smoking marijuana legal in the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany?


3…………> Trouble In NewWorldDisorder Family: GOOGL vs AMZ
In the starting round of the war of the “Silicon Valley Barons”, Google announced plans to deny Amazon’s Fire TV streaming devices being able to use YouTube from the start of 2018, while Amazon stopped selling several of Google’s hardware products by removing the latest Nest-branded smart home kit – including a home security system and a new version of its thermostat.
Are we witnessing a Trump inspired return to good old fashioned supply and demand markets?
 Back to Rabelais satire of the war between cake bakers of Lerne vs shepherds of Grangousier?


4…………> Plot To Kill Ayatollah Theresa May: How Dare They?
Two men, Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, from north London and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, from Birmingham, have been charged with terrorism offences and are due in Westminster Magistrates’ Court over an alleged plot to kill a fellow Muslim Ayatollin PM Theresa May, by bombing 11 Downing Street security gates and then attack her with a knife.
As people have said, “feed the dogs so they can bark at you”.


5………..> In Cobra’s Fangs: Comrade’s Un ICBM
Crew members aboard a Hong Kong-bound Cathay Pacific flight CX893 from San Francisco saw what they suspected was a North Korean ICBM re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere over the waters near Japan. Is Trump administration downplaying the danger of nuclear war with Mr.Xi inspired, “sanctions laden” Comrade Un?

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