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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/11/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Airbus Lucky Star: UAE

With 100 Airbus 380 of the superjumbo jets currently in service, and another 142 on order — not including the possible latest order for 36 more aircraft on order valued at 16 billion dollars, UAE-controlled airline the world’s largest owner of the aircraft, a shot in the arm to the French aerospace corporation, as well as a boost to the airframe design itself.

2………….> Poland Rising: Far Right Marching

Among the many celebrations of Poland’s national rebirth was a rally with nearly 60,000 participants organized by the far-right National-Radical Camp (ONR), the National Movement (RN) and the All Polish Youth (MW), which trace their roots back to anti-Semitic groups active before the Second World War. 
Some participants expressed sympathy for xenophobic or white supremacist ideas, with one banner reading, “White Europe of brotherly nations,” with slogan for this year’s event was “We Want God,” in line with emotional themes of the past rallies. The words were taken from an old Polish religious song that US President Donald Trump quoted from during a visit to Warsaw earlier this year.

3………….> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.

4………….> Horse Meat : New Gourmet Madness

More than 2.6 million kilograms of Mexican horse meat, graded as high-quality, reached foreign shores last year with Russia, Hong Kong, Egypt, Japan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Belgium among the customers, with the meat being in the news last week when a study found some stores selling it as beef. But while not popular domestically, the product is actually exported to seven countries around the world where it is considered a delicacy,

5…………> Distasteful And Offending: Hitler Selfie

An event where life-size model of Adolf Hitler used for “selfies” by retarded visitors to an Indonesian museum has been removed after photos shared on social media show people grinning as they pose with the Nazi leader in front of an image of the gates of Auschwitz concentration camp.
The museum director apologized for the deeply offending, rude and distasteful charade and removed the mock-up of world’s infamous dictator and mass murderer.

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