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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/08/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> China Shadow Banking: A Ticking Bomb

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said China’s debt is at 234% of gross domestic product (GDP) and predicted the figure to rise to 300% by 2022, while the corporate debt is currently at 165%. These metrics are very high compared  to other developed countries and are foreshadowing with greater probability the advent of a financial distress. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland— the very same bank that was wheeling and dealing with Hitler, Ford and GM while the Jews were exterminated in the death camps just across the border, a bank also known as the central bank of central banks, is warning now that the Chinese banking sector could be facing an imminent blowout, threatening the recovery of the world economy. Are the masters of the “New World Disorder” worried that a Chinese bank failure could snowball into a yuan drop that can take down the US dollar with it?

2………..> A Second After Creation: The Black Hole

A supermassive black hole quasar named J1342 + 0928, with a mass of 800 million Suns located about 13.1 billion light years from Earth is earliest and most distant ever spotted, formed nearly 700 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was just 5 percent of its current age.

3…………>In The Footsteps Of The Romans: Pollution

Nearly two thousand years after Julius Caesar was Emperor of Rome, scientists discovered that the Romans, known as the “five stars rated master builders” of the antiquity were actually using lead orifices in their water systems, leading to deposits of the toxic metal in their bodies, hence explaining the incidence of a violent behaviour and barbarity they were known for. Now the humanity is facing a similar threat courtesy of the the Central bankers that have been printing money in the trillions to keep up the growth of the so called “global economy”, melting the polar caps and drowning cities in a deadly smog. The latest victim of global warming induced pollution: The Indian city of New Delhi where the concentration of the most dangerous particulates in the air – the microscopic PM2.5 particles that can travel deep into your lungs and damage them – has climbed to more than 700 micrograms per cubic metre.

4…………> Applied Global Warming: Angry CA Fires

Residents of Los Angeles’ wealthy Bel-Air neighborhood found their homes under threat after another wildfire erupted in California, as the so-called Skirball Fire destroyed several homes in the exclusive area, quickly spreading over 150 acres, a small portion of the largest fire named Thomas, covering 90,000 acres.

Authorities issued a purple alert – the highest level warning ever issued in the state – amid what it called “extremely critical fire weather”.

5…………>Train Robberies Central: Mexico

A policy by Mexico’s Federal Government leading to 700% increase of train robberies is that authorities cracked down on pipeline theft, causing former petroleum thieves known as huachicoleros to turn to robbing country’s railroads, with Puebla, Veracruz and Guanajuato leading the way. The wave of crime was made worse when criminals armed with high-caliber weapons such as AK-47s to hold up trains, and used women and children as human shields to prevent counter-attacks by the authorities.

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