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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/07/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Applied Global Warming: CA Fires
“This fire is very dangerous and spreading rapidly, but we’ll continue to attack it with all we’ve got,” according to Governor Jerry Brown as a state of emergency in Ventura County was announced after burning brush with estimated size of 50,000 acres destroyed hundreds of homes and prompted tens of thousands of residents to evacuate.

“Fire crews from many different agencies are actively working on the incident. There are 1,100 firefighters on scene with additional fire resources enroute,” state’s emergency center described the inferno that rapidly grew up within a few hours after it started, threatening the cities of Santa Paula and Ventura, 110 km northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

2………….> Drone War On:Bring Your Rifle
A new system of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) code named “Remedy” is utilizing fake ‘bomb’ capsules to disperse 12-foot wings, a wooden propeller drones that can fly for about 10 hours and is intended to confuse radar interception networks and collect intelligence on the positions of hostile forces.

3…………>Trump’s Musketeers: Private Property 
President Trump is allegedly considering establishing an independent new private global spy network that would circumvent the existing US intelligence agencies and answer only to the US President and CIA director. Former FBI Special Agent Mark Rossini warned Radio Sputnik that creating such an organization means “going down a slippery slope.”

4…………>Breaking: New Mexico Shooting
Three people are dead and more than a dozen others are injured after a gunman opened fire at New Mexico’s Aztec High School Thursday morning.
According to the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office the shooter is “down,” but officials are still investigating the incident, which began around 9 a.m. local time. Mike Heal, the chief of the Aztec Police Department, did not indicate whether two of the dead were students or adults. 

5…………> The Third Hand: US Federal Reserve
A historic view of the six true leaders of the invisible, illegal, answerable to no one US government, a government outside the US Constitution, government of the bankers, by the bankers, of the bankers.

6…………> PervertGate Heads Rolling: A Broken Leg Comedy
“I am proud that during my time in the Senate that I have used my power to be a champion of women,” the Minnesota comedian/aka senator said from the US Senate floor, announcing plans to quit “in the coming weeks” after string of sexual harassment allegations(or is it charges).

Dozens of Democrats called on Franken to resign, the same clowns that have been trying to impeach President Trump and been sabotaging his administration with idiotic accusations of Russian collusion, while ignoring Hillary’s well documented treasonous acts of selling 1/4 of US uranium to Putin, then hushing it up.

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