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Bibi1581 Blog For 12/05/2017: Morning Edition

1………….> DHS/ICE Report Card: A+

DHS announced its end-of-year immigration enforcement numbers, reporting that in Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made 310,531 apprehensions nationwide, 303,916 of which were along the Southwest border, underscoring the need for a physical barrier between US and Mexico. Additionally, in FY 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Removal Operations (ERO) conducted 143,470 arrests and 226,119 removals. 

From the start of the Trump Administration on January 20, 2017 through the end of the fiscal year, ERO made 110,568 arrests compared to 77,806 in FY2016 – an increase of 40 percent. During the same timeframe, removals that resulted from an ICE arrest increased by 37 percent, nearly offsetting the historically low number of border apprehensions, a population that typically constitutes a significant portion of ICE removals. Total ICE removal numbers for FY17 (226,119) reflect a slight decline (6%) from FY2016 (240,255), largely attributed to the decline in border apprehensions.
ICE continued to prioritize its resources with 92 percent (101,722) of aliens ICE administratively arrested between January 20, 2017 and the end of FY2017, being removable aliens who had a criminal conviction or a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive, or were an illegal re-entrant.
In addition, a specific focus on MS-13, one of the most violent gangs in the United States, ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) arrested 796 MS-13 gang members and associates, compared to 434 in FY2016 – an 83 percent increase. Overall, HSI made 4,818 criminal arrests related to gang activity and 892 administrative arrests as a result of gang investigations. Additionally, ERO administratively arrested 5,225 gang members and associates.Overall in FY17, HSI conducted 32,958 total criminal arrests and seized $524 million in illicit currency and assets over the course of investigations into human smuggling and trafficking, cybercrime, transnational gang activity, narcotics enforcement, human smuggling and other types of cross-border criminal activity.



2…………..> Mueller Get Out: WJ

The Wall Street Journal assailed Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the FBI for withholding information from Congress about the firing of a top agent Peter Strzok who reportedly sent anti-Trump messages, amid reports that The New York Times report that Strzok led the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server and held a top role in the Russian probe, which Mueller has been leading since Trump fired former FBI director James Comey.



3…………> Digging Trump’s Grave: Mueller

In his ever expanding “witch hunt” of President Trump, special counsel Robert Mueller has issued a subpoena to Islamic Merkeldom of Germany’s Deutsche Bank bank, demanding data on transactions linked to the President Trump, a request denied previously to Congressional Democrats.


4…………> Trump’s Tax Cuts:Unintended Consequences

 The Joint Committee on Taxation bill will lead to $1tn less revenue over a decade, even after accounting for economic growth, which will increase the National debt to mid-twenties trillion range, currently at 20.6 trillion.

With both House and the Senate agreeing on corporate tax rate drop from 35% to 20%, and personal deductions to about $12,000 and $24,000, many taxpayers will be happy to take a part in the looting the US Treasury, forgetting that currently every American human being already owes a spectacular $65,000 of debt, courtesy of the last two administrations. Will Trump make a turn?


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